Saturday, October 11, 2008

What the HECK??

I'm sitting here at 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning (now typing at 12:30 p.m.) wide awake. I woke up at 3:30, stopped up and with a sore throat, cussing my boss who has been coming to work sick and I'm wondering if I'm coming down with something. Now I'm wide awake and have been writing (yes, HAND writing) on a note pad - I don't have internet access at home) some blog posts I want to do later when I can get to a computer.

Suddenly, I see I have what appears to be a yellow jacket flying around the light I'm sitting next to. I'm pretty much the type to hate killing insects, but a stinging wasp in my home is fair game. So, I picked up my Audubon Field Guide to North American Birds that sits beside me and whacked the crap out of it and it fell to the floor.

I continued writing, and a short time later, I saw that, apparently, I had not killed it, because it was up flying around again. DAMN! It finally landed again on the wall near me and I hit it again. This time with more force. THEN I realized that I had, in fact, an already dead yellow jacket on the floor. So, this HAD to be a second one. WTH?? Where are they coming from??

By this time, Scooter, my little blessed deafasapost kittie, is facinated by mommy banging a book on the wall (and then the floor when it wouldn't die) and decides to investigate. I hear a BZZZZ and Scooter makes an EXTREMELY hasty exit from the room and out the cat door. I managed to kill another one and it landed in my extremely campy camel ashtray that Big Sis in the UAE sent me (see pic if I manage to upload it). There is now another flying around inside my colorfully painted lamp shade (another pic if I manage to load it).

WTH??? Where are they coming from?? Why do I suddenly have four or five yellow jackets in my house at 6 o'clock in the morning?? Or any time?? Is there a nest in the wall and they are coming out of the face plate?? I know it's not flush with the wall, but I didn't see them come out, WTH??? I just don't know

Well, Scooter just came back in and is licking her left front paw and I think it looks a little swollen. Bless her heart.

I don't know what's going on and how they are getting in, but I hope it stops!!!

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