Yep, Gracie has it made. 24/7 food and water. Comfy places to lounge. A human to hold her and stroke her when she wants it, but not when she doesn't.
Yessiree. I'd trade places with her today. Wonder if she could get my desk cleaned off?
A place to post thoughts, vents, and general stuff when I want to.
Sure, she'd clean off your desk, but it would just be raked off onto the floor, and what would the advantage of that be?
True, very true.
Hoodlum deliberately cleans off whatever suits her, but that's just Hoodlum. She lives up to her name every day. Braveheart doesn't bother anyone, just has to put up with Hoodlum licking her and then wanting to fight. It happens every time lickfest starts.
Lupe chases Braveheart because she knows Braveheart will run, but when she chases Hoodlum, Hoodlum just flops down on the floor and says, "Bring it on, big girl!"
Oh I could have been dirty but I decided to behave. :) I wouldn't mind being a kitty at times too....
I want to be a spoiled cat in my next doubt.
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