Sunday, March 1, 2009

Give it a Minute...

That's what they say about the weather in Mississippi. If you don't like it, give it a minute, it will change

On Friday I was taking pictures of a lizard in 78 degree temps. This morning (Sunday) I'm taking pictures of snow.

Typical weather in Mississippi in February/March. Hot one day and freezing the next.

Well, I am doubting the accuracy of J's thermometer. It's saying 38, but it feels colder.

I can remember one time, years ago, maybe 1986 or so, that my daughter and her best friend were swimming in a pond, it was either in January or February, and 3 days later, I have pictures (somewhere) of them picking ice off of the shrubs.

I took these pics about 3:30 this morning and I'm thinking I need to go back out now that it's daylight and see if I can get a cute picture of Ghost in the snow.

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