Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You want me to do WHAT??

Yeah, he's grinning alright. He's laughing because he saw my BIL and Big Sis approaching for a ride and he's thinking, "This is a joke, right??"

But NOOOO, Mr. Camel-man in his white dress and little red turban wasn't kidding after all.

This is an actual excerpt from the email Big Sis sent me about their camel ride: "Did you notice, the camel that we rode--when we walked up and started making pictures, it was like he was grinning for the camera. But you should have heard him when D sat down!!!! He looked around at us and GROANED!!!!! Like "You have GOT to be kidding me!!!! I'm suppose to GET UP with these two HIPPOS on my back???"

She said it, I didn't! LOL!!

Anyway, it looks like it's all well because the camel with his happy little hat on appears to be quite content carrying his, ummm, "load".

Now for the bonus pictures. Big Sis says she is seeing LOTS of baby camels right now. I guess it's that time of year.

They are coming home some time in June and I can't WAIT to see them!
uh, that's Big Sis and BIL are coming home. NOT the camels. :)


parrotmom said...

I love the story and pictures. It is so great that big sis is getting to experience this.

dhcoop said...

She is really having a great time. I'm so happy for her to have this experience.

AmyAnne said...

Oh...the BABYS are soooo CUTE!

Did she say if they smell? I just imagine they would.

AmyAnne said...

So sorry, if they HAVE a smell. Or a pungent odor.

Of course they smell for crying out loud. Duh.