Friday, March 20, 2009

For JB

This is for you, my dear!!!!

We've picked on JB for a while now about his foot fetish.

Not that he REALLY has a foot fetish, but he's just fun to pick on!!

Well....this is just the beginning!!!

What's funny, is that after taking the sock off (ok, so it's chilly in here and I had my socks on), I went out with my trusty camera, then got fixated on the bees in the azaleas!! Sorry jb, but bees won out over my idea for taking pics of my feet in the flowers....

Sorry, jb, the bees were just really cool and mesmerizing.

But I love you anyway!!

And one last foot in the flowers just for you!!


parrotmom said...

lovely coop. glad you didn't get stung.

watercolordaisy said...

No socks with sandals dear. ;)

dhcoop said...

LOL!! I know! But my feet were cold!