Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's time...

I've put it off long enough. The pain in my hip finally drove me to go see a doctor and the anticipated "you need a new hip" diagnosis ended up being "your hip looks fine". WHAT??? I saw the x-ray myself. My hip looks fine. WTF??? So WHY does it hurt so bad???

Anyway, after an MRI and a diagnosis of a torn labrum (yes, what A-Rod had), I'm now scheduled for a relatively non-invasive arthroscopic surgery tomorrow to fix the problem. Lil sis is going to come get me and take me home with her (because her house is all one level) to recover for a few days.

I could kick myself for postponing this for so long, but I had myself convinced my hip was a knarly knot of corroded bone and was going to need replacing. It's what I get for procrastinating.


Susan said...

I hope it goes well and you're good as new in a few days!

Ann Onimous said...

You'll be a hip, young thing again before you know it! :D

In all seriousness: we'll be praying all goes well. Take care and we're here for you.

Jen said...

good luck with surgery. I hope all goes well with it. You are probably really lucky to catch it now and not let it go further or it could have been worse!!!

Prayers ascending.

tank said...

Coop, Just how long have you known who A-Rod is???!!!