Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Coop's Big Adventure

We got to the hospital around 6:20 since we were told to be there at 6:30. Of course, there was a pile of paperwork to sign.

Then it was off to take some bloodwork, blood pressure and temp.

After that was done, it was back to the waiting area to do just that. Wait. And wait.
I'd been told that the doctor likes to schedule surgeries where he doesn't keep people waiting for hours. Actually, it really wasn't too bad. I was taken to the "holding area" around 8 and the fun began. First donning a really cool blue backless number and a snazzy blue cap.

The anesthesiologist came by, followed by the doctor (who is pretty darn hot I might add) and talked about what was going to happen. Then the doctor autographed my hip so he would remember which one needed the work done.

After another wait of half an hour or so, they wheeled me into the operating room.

Oh, and for the record, if there was ever a time when I know for sure what my name is and my birth date, it is now. EVERY person that laid a hand on me today would look at my wrist band, then ask me what my name was and my date of birth.

Anyway, they gave me something into my iv that made me feel really good. Next thing I know, I've got an attractive bandage on my hip.
All in all, it was a very good experience, which is good because it was my first ever surgery. It would have sucked to have a bad "first time".
The staff at the hospital were all incredibly nice. The nurse that took care of me in the recovery room was exceptional and did a great job of explaining everything I needed to do post surgery.
So far, I'm still somewhat under the influence of drugs, but not really hurting and am hopeful that my days of non-stop hip pain are now over.


tank said...

Glad you didn't fall off the gurney. :)

Seriously, so glad everything went well.

Ann Onimous said...

YAY! You're okay! Glad all went swimmingly. You must be toadally relieved!

parrotmom said...

Coop, I know what you mean, everyone that has been with hubby today has wanted to know the same thing. name, rank, and serial number. Glad you are doing so good.

watercolordaisy said...

Hope you are healing up well!! Hugs!!!

AmyAnne said...

You make it sound so easy and pleasant. Dreamy really.

Glad you are okay!