Monday, February 2, 2009

Two words...

...and I have no idea what they are.

Last night I saw something on TV and it struck me as something I wanted to blog about. I knew I'd never remember it today if I didn't write myself a note. I thought, all I need to remember is two words...

So I dug out a pen and piece of paper and wrote the two words down. I THOUGHT I had put the piece of paper in my purse. Apparently not.

When I got to the office today I dug around in my purse for the paper. Nothing. Darn it! All I needed was those two words to prompt me in writing a blog.

I do know it wasn't about cats or trees or lizards or fungus, but I have NO idea what it was!

Maybe I'll find that little piece of paper tonight...


tank said...

Come on Coop. I so want to read what you have to say about NON cat-lizard-fungus stuff. Think. Think.

Mrs.H said...

I'm in the same place this morning. I sat down at my computer to write a short funny post and *poof* it was gone.

Mrs.H said...

The word was Kleenex!