Wednesday, February 4, 2009



Ok, so I can't do more than a couple of non-cat posts without then following with catnews.

Meet Bruno. He is one of the wild kitties that I've been feeding for months that I have been unable to actually touch. I named him Bruno (hoping it's a boy) because even as a little, tiny kittie, he had such a masculine, tough look. Most kittens have kind of a sweet little face. Not Bruno. He's looked like a tough guy from go.

A few days ago, I had to get up early in the morning to potty. Didn't turn the light on (hoping I can go back to sleep afterwards) and, of course, am joined in the bathroom by Scooter and Ringo (as usual). I'm sitting there petting them both and suddenly, little Bruno joins us. He actually stuck his face out and sniffed my hand, then ran off. After a couple more days of this same morning ritual, he let me pet him and actually rolled over on his back for me to scratch him! Anyone who has ever had a cat knows that a cat allowing a belly scratch is almost unheard of. Cats just don't get into belly exposure.

Anyway, another couple of days passed and I woke up with extra pressure on my legs. My hip was hurting bad and I needed to move but didn't want to disturb whoever was asleep there. Too bad. Hip pain was awful and I HAD to turn over. I slowly started moving my legs and saw Scooter get up and then realized the little weight on my thighs was none other than Bruno! I felt around in the dark for my camera and started making pictures.

He is really handsome. Ivory colored with blue eyes, orange tinted ears, nose and feet, and a perfectly ringed orange and ivory tail.

He's not but a few months old, yet he has the look of a very mature cat.

The good news is that this is yet another kitty that I will now be able to take to the vet (when he gets old enough) and have "fixed up". The bad news is he now thinks my feet are playtoys to grab and bite while I'm trying to sleep.

It tickled me when he reached out and "touched" Ringo who was trying to sleep on the hassock.

Then he had to get up and "test drive" Gracie's basket. Fortunately, she had already gone out for her morning constitutional.
I thought he was going to go over the edge, but he managed to not tip it all the way.

The thing is, if it turns out it's actually a girl, Bruno may not be the best name choice. Oh well...I'll think of something.


Jen said...

oh SHE is beautiful! I love her coloring. that is so unique! I'd have to have that kitty if I found her, too. haha

I love the reach out and touch picture. :) I love it when my Rufie does that. He does it to my face and never uses claws

Mrs.H said...

what a gorgeous cat!

And once fixed, it won't matter about the gender of the name anyway.

You're right: Bruno does seem to fit that face.