Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Facinating Fungii

When I was leaving the lakehouse Sunday morning I saw something beside the driveway that made me stop the car and reach into my purse for my camera. This is when I realized that I had left my camera in the house because I had taken it out to take pictures of Ghost the night before.

I backed up and went back inside to retrieve the camera and told T & J that I had just seen something very cool beside the drive and realized I had left my camera. They laughed and said they knew what I was talking about. T called it a toadstool.

Well, this is no toadstool, but it's definitely a fungus of some type. I went to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fungii to see what I could find and might as well have been reading a foreign language. Fungii are complex little buggers.

What I found facinating about this thing was that it was HARD. I mean like a rock. But, it was able to grow up around resurrection fern, leaves and twigs like they weren't there.

OK, I know I'm strange, but I find things like this totally facinating.


Jen said...

Hun you are not weird or either I am, too, because I got a pretty cool picture of some fungi at Christmas, I just haven't posted it yet. haha It was a beautiful red and white color & it caught my eye. I haven't looked it up yet but I will now since you posted that link! :) How big was this thing?

dhcoop said...

I'd say it was a little over a foot across and about 8 inches thick.