Thursday, November 6, 2008


I wrote the other day about the little lizard paradise being wiped out and replaced with the skimpy pansies. I didn't see any lizards at all for two days. I finally saw two yesterday and then got this pic this morning of a little guy perched on the handrail looking down into what used to be heaven with a very puzzled look on his face. I can imagine him thinking "Crap! It looks even worse from up here!"

Maybe he had climbed up the post to get a better look to see if there was anything left of his magnificent kingdom. No such luck.

The next time I see him (assuming it's the same one), he is now down amongst the pansies surveying the damage.

Bless his heart. He's thinking "Good grief! Now WHY did they have to go and do this?? With this much space between the flowers, I'll spend more time brown than I do green and I HATE being brown!"
Well, of course, that might NOT be what he's thinking at all, but I'll bet it's something along those lines.

1 comment:

Mrs.H said...

It's not easy being green, but it's boring being brown!